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Monday, January 16, 2012


WHEREAS the solemn pact between the People of the Cape Republic, as recorded in the books of Statutes of South Africa, has been continuously violated by the South African Government;
WHEREAS the same government has stepped on and usurped our rights, that it scorned and closed its ears at our addresses, requests, protests and remonstrations against its unconstitutional and unjust intervention in our affairs;
That it has used our incomes without the constitutional assent of the local Legislature, plundered our treasury, ordered the arrest of several of our fellow-citizens, and their setting in chains; sowed alarm, fear and consternation, reddened our soil with the blood of a considerable number of our compatriots;
And understood that we can no longer suffer these reiterated violations of our rights and patiently witness the insults and the multiplied and recent cruelties of the Government of South Africa,
WE, in the name of the people of the Cape Republic, adoring the decree of the divine providence who allows us to overthrow the government which has ignored the reason for which it was created, and allows us to chose the form of government most likely to establish justice, to ensure domestic peace, to provide for common defence, to promote the common good, and to guarantee to us and our posterity the benefits of civil and religious Liberty,
  1. That beginning to this day, the People of the Cape Republic is EXONERATED from any allegiance to South Africa, and that all political connections between this power and the Cape Republic ceases as of this day.
  2. That the Cape Republic shall take a REPUBLICAN form of government and now declares itself, de facto, a REPUBLIC.
  3. That under the free government of the Cape Republic, all citizens shall have the same rights.
  4. That any union between the Church and the State is declared abolished, and that every one has the right to freely practice the religion and the belief that his/her conscience dictates.
  5. That the land grabs is, de facto, abolished, as though it had never existed in this country.
  6. That any person barring or who will bare arms, or who will furnish means to assist the Cape People in its emancipation struggle is relieved of all debts real or presumed.
  7. That the customary dower is, for the future, entirely abolished and prohibited.
  8. That the death penalty shall be pronounced in cases of murder only.
  9. That any mortgage on real estate will have to be special to be valid, will have to be registered in offices created to this end by an Act of the Legislature of the Cape Republic.
  10. That there shall be full freedom of the Press in all matters and public affairs.
  11. That the trial by JURY is guaranteed to the people of the Cape Republic, in its most liberal extent in the criminal courts, and in the civil courts when involving a certain sum to be determined by the Legislature of the State of the Cape Republic.
  12. That as a necessity and duty of the Government towards the people, free public and general education shall be implemented and encouraged, as soon as circumstances will allow it.
  13. That to assure honesty and elective liberty, elections shall be conducted using the BALLOT.
  14. That as soon as as circumstances will allow it, the People will choose Delegates following the current division of the country which will instate a Convention, or a Legislative Body, in order to establish a Constitution, according to the needs of the country, and shall comply to the dispositions of this Declaration, subject to future modifications following the will of the People.
  15. That all natural born citizens above the age of eighteen shall have the right to vote as well according to the rules stated above, for the election of the delegates referred to above.
  16. That all lands said to be of the South African Government, as well as those called reserves of the clergy, become in full right, property of the State of the Cape Republic, except those portions of the said lands that could be possessed by farmers who own them in good faith for which we guarantee titles under the terms of a law which will be passed in order to legalize the possession of such land lots, that are currently being farmed on.
  17. That we shall use the English languages in all public matters.
AND for the support of THIS DECLARATION, and the success of the Patriotic cause, that we support, WE, trustful in the protection of the All Mighty and the justice of our conduct, engage by the present, mutually and solemnly together, our lives, our fortunes and our most sacred honour.

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