have seen the increase in GM foods over the last few years grow by
leaps and bounds – now we have GM mosquitoes
other examples include sheep
that are 15 percent human (in
an effort to create spare parts for organ transplants) goats
(spider silk in their milk.)
create something more akin to human breast milk)
say that there are no risks with eating GM foods, we need to
establish 'safe' i.e. driving a car is 'safe' however we all know of
someone who has been in an accident. 'Safe' only means 'an
acceptable level of risk.' There is no research, really, being done
into the health or environmental effects of a genetically engineered
organism. Why? Because you can't get any information on it - it's all
claimed to be proprietary.
all the claims of benefit of genetically engineered (GE) crops –
increased yields, more food production, controlled pests and weeds,
reductions in chemical use in agriculture, drought-tolerant seeds,
and so on – have failed to materialize. The Global Citizens' 2011
Report, aptly named: The GMO Emperor Has No Clothes,
states:- Contrary to the claim of feeding the world, genetic engineering has not increased the yield of a single crop.
- Herbicide tolerant (Roundup Ready) crops were supposed to control weeds and Bt crops were intended to control pests. Instead of controlling weeds and pests, GE crops have led to the emergence of super weeds and super pests … Herbicide resistant crops such as Roundup Ready cotton can create the risk of herbicide resistant "superweeds" by transferring the herbicide resistance to weeds.
- Despite claims that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will lower the levels of chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) used, this has not been the case. This is of great concern both because of the negative impacts of these chemicals on ecosystems and humans, and because there is the danger that increased chemical use will cause pests and weeds to develop resistance, requiring even more chemicals in order to manage them.
- Monsanto has been claiming that through genetic engineering it can breed crops for drought tolerance and other climate-resilient traits. This is a false promise.
- Among the false claims made by Monsanto and the Biotechnology industry is that GE foods are safe. However, there are enough independent studies to show that GE foods can cause health damage.
more disturbing is the discovery of a brand new micro-fungal organism
associated with something called Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in GE
soy. This is something brand new to science, courtesy of GE crops…
The mysterious organism is also found in a large variety of livestock
given GE feed. These animals experience both infertility and high
rates of spontaneous abortions.
time your buying food. Think about this one.
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