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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love in the time of deceit

Southern Africa has become tragic, when police officers wait for late school children at a Jo'berg school asking them why they are late... while the local police commissioner, Bheki Cele is under suspension awaiting a corruption trail, one wonders if the time has come to reach for a passport... when KwaZulu Natal legislature, Peggy Nkonyeni and MEC Mike Mabuakhulu face the the same charges of corruption... when two provinces have collapsed and the administration of the state is in shambles... when Limpopo is bankrupt and the Eastern Capes education system has collapsed... Gautengs heath department is collapsing,... the Free State with issues of transport... 25 – 30 billion rand lost to corruption... when the ANC is hell bent on destroying our children's future... when leaders have more commitment to banks then people... when mining and agriculture are in reverse... wasteful expenditure and red tape hindering business development... when the government is disconnected from reality...
There is no accountability within the government. Southern Africa is in a crises.
Still. The minorities of the Cape of Good Hope will still fight amongst each other, that is the sad truth, it's Boer against Afrikaaner. KhoiSan against white (and black) Afrikaans against English. Coloured against everybody else.
What is this?
We cannot change the past, but we can change the future. So lets agree to disagree.

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