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Monday, July 11, 2011


I read this with dismay: ‘From the outset Cape Independence Movement (CIM) has always believed that independence for the Cape will not be obtained by means of a political party.’ (Granted, the CIM Facebook page shows 1 like… My group, ‘The Cape Town Bartender’s Guide Guild’ has 95 members. That speaks for itself.)

What is even more disturbing are those who believe that a military coup is the answer. On top of this, there is no way on God’s earth that the vast majority of Cape Republican’s will demonstrate (like in Egypt) for independence. It’s simply never going to happen, why? Lack of cohesion is the problem. We need a solution. I said this before and I’m saying it again. We need to set aside our personal differences and unite to the common cause for the independence of the former Cape of Good Hope. There is no other answer.

The DA will never win a majority in South Africa; there are too many factors which present themselves as aluminium reinforced carbon fibre walls. What a lot of people do not realise is that the terrorist led government is in the process of dismantling provinces. I see no good when that happens.

We all recall when Zuma became president; the minority groups had a shocker. I wonder what will happen if Malema gets that post. It’s quite possible. During the municipal election he was the only member of the terrorist organisation that went up and down the country spreading his message of ‘kill the Boer’ and ‘vote ANC’. Seeing him leave a court with his bodyguards carrying AK-47′s says so much, doesn’t it? Hang on. Isn’t that illegal? There are too many illegal things happening in our ‘rainbow’ nation. There is too much corruption. There is too much fraud.

Several months ago I was confronted with a situation. A ‘friend’ told me how it had cost him R 10 000.00 to have a murder docket disappear. A few days’ later I overheard in a taxi how it had cost the speaker R 15 000.00 to have his statement changed at the police station (I was tempted to tell him he’d been ripped off…) I suppose that one could say the same thing about the old Apartheid government, and you would have a good point.

I however will make a better one. The only thing that we (the voting public) have truly achieved is swapping one set of fat cats for another. I know that independence will not stop fraud. Or corruption. But it will bring about a safe haven for the minorities who mostly live here (and always have.)

I repeat: We need to set aside our personal differences and unite to the common cause for the independence of the former Cape of Good Hope.

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