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Friday, July 22, 2011


A few years ago I was taking to an old friend. He told me how, at one stage of his life a new political party took power. They first took the communist away, and he, like the rest, said nothing. They were not communist. Then this political party took the socialist away. Once again, nothing was said for them (or the communists) since they were not socialists. Then the gays were taking away. Again they said nothing. They were not gay. Finally, my old friend and many others were taking away. Then there was no-one left to speak for them.

My Jewish friend has since then passed on. But what he said still sticks in my mind.

It's all good and well to have groups like the V.V.K. Or the Cape Party. Etc.

What will it take to win the minds and hearts of the people of the Western Cape to realise that there is no other alternative but to become independent?

Some believe that this would lead to a civil war. I don't. The reason is simple. Would the ruling party really attack about 4 million people? I don't think so. Having said that, the continued genocide against not only whites but Zimbabweans is simply not on – in a way they are attacking 4 million people. One at a time.

Rather like the Jews before World War 2, will the people of the Western Cape look back and wonder why they never saw it coming. Or are they too timid to speak out for fear of being labelled racists? While being surrounded by racial policy's?

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