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Friday, March 23, 2012


Over the past few weeks, one topic I haven't seen a lot of, which, regardless of what others may say is of importance to the Cape Republic, is sustainability. At the moment it's no. The amount of people flooding in makes this one completely impossible, at the end of the day, it's not only a case of migrating workers from the eastern cape, it's also the Zimbabweans, the Nigerians, the Congolese etc. In one case, a Zimbabwean gets a 99 year lease on 50 hectares of property. Where is he? In the Cape of Good Hope, working as a waiter so that he can go back to his home country in three or so years and start a chicken farm. Charming, isn't it? Which is point number one: importing/exporting: does one really need it? We are all aware that not every country has every product, that is a granted. What is a lot better is bartering. That way it's a win-win situation. One great thing is that we have very little mining going on, mining coal, gold etc. causes one thing only and that is pollution. The large hole in the ground, sometimes 'Durban Deep' is what occurs (for those of you who are not aware, there is a mine in Jo'burg called 'Durban Deep' and yes it stretches down to the some level as Durban -30 km... its production is mind numbing – 7 612 kg of gold.) Then you have the waste that is dumped all over the place. Of course one can mine without a large amount of pollution, however, it is small scale and only what is needed is taken. Then there is population. At the moment its not happening. While I would personally send all the 'refugees' (the above Zimbabwean example claims to be a 'refugee') can go back to their home land and sort their own problems out, much the same that we need to do it here in the Cape of Good Hope. I'll go as far as stating that I would have more time for refugees from a different solar system since our technology would improve dramatically. Presently all we have to show is a saturated job market fuelled by the ANC's idea of BBBEEE and AA along with resources being depleted. What about the local inhabitants? Why should we harbour people from all over Africa? Send them back. Allow them to have their own revolution in their own country to throw out their own obvious corrupt leaders. Technology: While books can (and no doubt will) be written about that, here is a thought. During the war times Southern Africa was able to produce it's own technology – weapons, perhaps, but that is not the only thing we can do.

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