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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Underneath the radar

It didn't really matter how much we complained. The still managed to push the bill through, ensuring that there would be very little that anyone could do to ensure that corruption could be exposed.
Welcome to Apartheid 2.0
What do you say when a black man, a police officer, (on Facebook) states “when Nelson Mandala dies the whites will pay” Where do we stand?
The amount of hogwash happening right now is quite frankly, scary. JuJu for example, being suspended (in a suspension) was really rich.
How many people are aware that the white population is on level 6 of the genocide watch?
Still. Nothing is said. Less is done.
The DA. the so called opposition political party is saying nothing. Why did we even bother voting for them? We have to count on parties like the Freedom Front to go to the Netherlands (for example) and state our case in their legislative assembly.
Again I ask. What will it take for people to wake up? We have a genocide happening. No-one is awake. No-one is taking to the street to protest. None of the smaller parties are talking. Talk about a political vacuum.
What is happening?
Surly someone should stand up and say something. Should I, for example, start printing flyers to hand out in the streets of Cape Town, like one of those mad people handing out copies of the book/poetry because no one wants to publish it?
And like those mad people, will I too be seen as mad?
“What a load of crap” will no doubt pass many lips.
And so the message is missed.
Even if 5% of the readers took note, no doubt they would maintain the “I am only one person, what can I do!” syndrome.
Which reminds me. JuJu is looking well fed. Does the food he eats come from the farmer he wants to shoot?

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