South Africa's creation
was thanks to an act of British legislation (The South Africa Act
passed in 1909) establishing a parliamentary regime along the lines
of the Westminster model, the irony here is that the England then, as
well as today, does not have a constitution. Yet, for example,
Tanzania's constitution (1955) was one of the most complex ever
written, mainly to exclude the more belligerent nationalist. Further
changes were made which included a tripartite voting provisions that
each voter on the roll had to cast his vote for one person of each
race, on pain of invalidation.... They went out of their way to
complicate a constitution, even when there were no problems
(fundamentally) of race.
The creation of South
Africa reversed the natural independent status of various people and
at the same time created a mechanism against self determination,
which was expressed prior to the 'union' it has also been the
direct result of the friction which later followed and is still
happening in this 'marriage.' Apartheid was a result of the white's
concern on becoming a oppressed minority. The international
capitalist appeared to have used this unfolding political machine to
great success as it later gave them the opportunity to reclaim South
Africa under the covert guise of the post Apartheid regime who are
financed and propped up by them. After all, international capitalist
went to great lengths to set up and impose the State of South Africa
(a 'republic' in name only) - even to the point of killing off 50% of
the Boer child population in concentration camps. Today, over 3 000
Boers have been murdered. It seems that history is repeating itself.
What about the future?
a) A white president is
elected after Zuma.
b) Nelson Mandela
passes on.
c) Civil war breaks out
– the losers? The majority race group. (Like it was during the
Apartheid years...)
d) Independence of the
Western Cape
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